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List Field

This is an advanced-use feature, and likely not something you'll need to configure. What you probably want is the content types reference!

The List Field represents an array of primitive values — specifically strings or numbers.

Use this field when you want to support multiple entities that all output a single value. Each entity will appear in a list where you can edit, add and delete them. Fields that can be used to edit the array of primitive values in the list are: text, textarea, number & select.



interface ListFieldDefinititon extends Field {
component: 'list'
name: string
field: {
component: 'text' | 'textarea' | 'number' | 'select'
label?: string
description?: string
defaultItem?: string | number | (() => string | number)
itemProps?: (item: object) => {
key?: string
componentThe name of the plugin component. Always 'list'.
nameThe path to some value in the data being edited.
fieldThe field that will render to edit each list item. Component Options: 'text', 'textarea', 'number', or 'select'
labelA human readable label for the field. Defaults to the name. (Optional)
descriptionDescription that expands on the purpose of the field or prompts a specific action. (Optional)
defaultItemProvides the list items with default data upon being created. Returns an empty string if no value is provided. (Optional)
itemPropsA function that generates props for each list item. It takes the item as an argument. (Optional) ...It returns an object containing, key: This property is used to optimize the rendering of lists. If rendering is causing problems, use defaultItem to generate a new key, as is seen in this example. Feel free to reference the React documentation for more on keys and lists.
This interface only shows the keys unique to the list field. Visit the Field Config docs for a complete list of options.


Below are some examples of how a list field could be defined in a form.

With the text field

For example, if we had a list of lunch options in the frontmatter of a Markdown file:

example data

- Hotdog
- Tacos
- Falafel
- Sliders

Our list field config could look like this:

const formOptions = {
fields: [
label: 'Lunch Options',
name: 'frontmatter.lunch_menu',
component: 'list',
defaultItem: 'Turkey & Swiss',
field: {
component: 'text',

Note: The above configuration would look the same for the textarea field.

With the number field

Below is an example using the number field if we had an array of 'Pinball Scores' to manage.

example data

{ "pinball_scores": [554700, 522400, 281890, 161140] }

The list field config could look like this:

const formOptions = {
fields: [
label: 'Pinball High Scores',
name: 'pinball_scores',
component: 'list',
defaultItem: 0,
field: {
component: 'number',

With the select field

Below is an example using the select field if we wanted to rank the best Beatles Albums.

example data

"beatles_albums": [
"The Beatles(White Album)",
"Let It Be",
"Abbey Road",
"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"

The list field config could look like this:

const formOptions = {
fields: [
label: 'Top 5 Beatles Albums',
name: 'beatles_albums',
component: 'list',
defaultItem: 'Abbey Road',
field: {
component: 'select',
options: [
'Let It Be',
'Abbey Road',
'Yellow Submarine',
'The Beatles(White Album)',
'Magical Mystery Tour',
"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band",
'Yesterday...and Today',
'Rubber Soul',
"A Hard Day's Night",